about me




I’ve been a full time wedding photographer for 9+ years,

I have had the opportunity to create ever lasting friendships that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to create.

This is a job? Pretty freaking rad if you ask me!

I’m a strong believer that moments both small and large can be captured and relived to tell a story that once was and always will be.  To tell YOUR story that once was and always will be.  I want you to be able to dust off these old pictures and albums that hold these memories for your kids and their kids one day, and STILL feel what it felt like that day.  To feel that tingle down your spine like you did when you had your dress buttoned up for the first time, or those goose bumps down your arms when you felt that warm embrace. I hope you feel that brisk mountain air and it takes you back, right back to that moment. what it felt like to run around wild and so in love with not a care in the world.  But most of all, I want you to feel all the motions– the fast heart beats, the butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
